Sunday, April 6, 2008

ICWSM, semi-supervised learning

Returned from ICWSM, and was inspired to perhaps start blogging again, but we'll see how long that lasts.

The tutorial at ICWSM went well (pdf slides available at that link, ppt available by emailing me). I will be giving it again at NESCAI. There were a lot of great talks and posters at ICWSM; a lot more toward the text/sentiment mining side of things than last year, but still a great variety of concepts.

While in Seattle I missed the 10-601 class lectures on semi-supervised learning, and had to prepare a recitation anyway. So as part of that preparation I came across a good survey paper by Xiaojin Zhu. It has an entire section devoted to graph-based methods, some of which I hadn't heard of, so this was useful to me beyond giving me interesting things to talk about in recitation. It might be of use to try some of these algorithms on community detection in networks.

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